So far, I’ve subbed at the Primary campus (grades 2 and 3), the Elementary campus (grades 4 and 5), and the High School (Freshmen through Seniors).
My favorite? High School! Students in the Seminole ISD are taught from Pre-K to be kind, courteous, friendly, and cooperative. There are some, of course, who haven’t learned those wonderful skills, but I haven’t met any of them yet!
I really loved subbing for both of the Physics and Chemistry teachers. Juniors and Seniors are adults. I treat them like adults, I don’t threaten them with reprisals for misconduct, and I’m as courteous and friendly as they are.
One of those teachers will soon be going on maternity leave for at least 6 weeks. Possibly through the end of the year. I’ve talked to the Vice Principal in charge of extended subbing about subbing for her, and he seemed tickled to have a volunteer.
I’d guess it would be difficult to find a sub willing to teach Physics and Chemistry for the last 6-8 weeks of the year. Especially a certified, experienced teacher. I’ll be talking to another Vice Principal about this assignment this week.
I’ve already started reviewing/learning/highlighting/notating a text book on Physical Sciences/Space Science those teachers don’t use. They don’t use texts at all. Most of their assignments are on a computer program called Google Classroom. It’s used in every grade in the system. Every student is given an iPod, so that’s what HS students carry to class instead of a text book.
This teacher had several copies of an old text she said I could use for my “studies.”
It’s an INCREDIBLE textbook! I’m moving quickly through the Physics section, and I’m recognizing a LOT of the concepts, Newton’s Laws of motion, et al, and the experiments!
Why? Because I taught Physical Science in grades 4-6 when I had self-contained classrooms (taught every subject except PE). I didn’t model those concepts/laws with Algebraic equations, but I certainly had Algebra in high school and at Texas Tech, plus Geometry and Trig. I also had Chemistry in high school, so the chemistry section of this monster text is a review. Nice.
I wondered, after volunteering for this assignment, which would mean teaching, answering questions, making assignments, and grading them, if I’d jumped a little too far.
But the text has given me the confidence that I can use it for all of the above.
I’ve always LOVED science of all kinds. Mostly Biology. But Physics and Chemistry are about to be added to the list. Also on that list is Space Science, which I’ll enjoy reading about in this text.
I’ve decided I’m going to apply for a summer school job teaching any science they need. My life-long dream of being a “scientist” will finally come true with this subbing job and hopefully the summer job.
This leads me to remind you that you’re never too old to keep working on your dreams! If I can start being a scientist at 72, there’s no reason you can’t do it, too!
Hugs and Happiness and DREAMS,